As Puerto Rico moves into 2017, economists are predicting that Puerto Rico’s economy will continue to shrink. The population will continue to dwindle as people move from the Island to the States. Times will be hard as the PROMESA Fiscal Oversight Board works to get Puerto Rico out of debt without a federal bailout.

But there are changes on the horizon. The new governor is a statehood supporter. The new Resident Commissioner, like the current one, is also a statehood supporter — but is also a member of the party which will control the legislature and the White House. These two new leaders are confident that they can work with the new president and the new Congress to pass a bill calling for statehood for Puerto Rico.

Funds have already been set aside for a new plebiscite in Puerto Rico — the first federally-sponsored vote on Puerto Rico’s status. The people will once again have the opportunity to vote for a new, permanent political status. If they choose statehood again, they will be in the best position in history to achieve that goal.

We are ready to push hard for statehood in 2017. Join us! Sign the petition, contact your legislators, and share this post with your friends and family.

We wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.



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