The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold another hearing on Puerto Rico’s financial situation on December 1st at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time.

The Finance Committee and the Energy and Natural Resources Committee have also held hearings on Puerto Rico this year, but the Judiciary Committee is the one that is in charge of bankruptcy policy.  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, who called and announced the meeting, has said that “restructuring debt and throwing taxpayer money at the island, without ensuring the creation and implementation of structural and fiscal reform, fails to resolve the underlying problems in Puerto Rico required to create economic growth.”

The goal of the hearing is to understand where Puerto Rico is now, from a financial point of view, and to try to come up with solutions.  It has not yet been announced who will be invited to speak at the hearing as witnesses.  You know that your Senators are busy people; hearings like this are designed to help them understand these issues completely so they can make fully informed decisions.

The hearing is not yet listed at the Find Senate Hearings page as of this writing, but that page will be a good place to find details as the hearing draws closer.

What can you do to participate in this hearing?

  • Follow us on Twitter.  We will share the link that lets you watch the hearing online.
  • Watch the hearing online.  If you’ve never watched a Senate hearing, you might be surprised by how lively and informative they are.  By watching the hearing, you will know what information the government is using to make decisions.
  • Encourage your Senator to attend the meeting.  Send them a tweet!  If they don’t know that Puerto Rico is important to the people who elect them, they might not go to the hearing.



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