In advance of Puerto Rico’s March 6 primary, Marco Rubio received the endorsement of four key Republican leaders on the Island committed to electing him the 45th President of the United States.

Endorsing Marco today are Luis Fortuño, who served as governor of Puerto Rico from 2009-2012, represented Puerto Rico in Congress as Resident Commissioner from 2005-2009, and is currently an RNC national committeeman; Jenniffer Gonzalez, Minority Leader of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives, RNC chairperson and former Speaker of the House; Zoraida Fonalledas, RNC national committeewoman; and Republican fundraiser Jose Carrion.

As they join Marco’s growing Puerto Rico team, they issued the following statements:

Luis Fortuño, Former Puerto Rico Governor: “Washington today is plagued by the same problems we see in San Juan: politicians who tax too much, spend too much and lack the courage to solve the great challenges of our time. Marco Rubio would change that. He can inspire us to greatness, and has the judgment, vision and strong values to be a great president. Marco can be trusted to deliver real results, because he’s an ideas man with a relentless drive to make a difference in the lives of real people. As American citizens, Puerto Ricans deserve better than the failed leadership they’ve gotten during the last eight years, which would continue if the Democrats retained the White House. Marco Rubio is the only candidate in this race who can unite us, win the White House and lead us into a New American Century.”

Jenniffer Gonzalez, Minority Leader of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives​: “With Marco Rubio, the Republican Party of this New American Century will demonstrate that it recognizes the many Hispanic citizens who share our party’s conservative ideals and who understand the value of work, family, community and church. These citizens seek a leader like Marco who will energize constituencies that in the past have been left behind. Marco speaks to the young, to women, to the unemployed, and those for whom equality is a promise not yet achieved, including the people of Puerto Rico who seek the tools to improve our island economy, create jobs, and achieve full equality as Americans.”

Zoraida Fonalledas, RNC national committeewoman: “We need a president like Marco who was raised in a family that understands what it’s like to struggle, persevere and achieve the American Dream, and who understands that dream is only possible if we keep our nation safe and have a vibrant free enterprise economy. Puerto Rico may not have a vote in the Senate, but Marco Rubio has been looking out for us throughout his time there and standing up against the unequal treatment Puerto Ricans face when it comes to many federal policies. I encourage all Puerto Rican Republicans – on the island and on the mainland – to join me in supporting Marco Rubio for president, as he will be a leader that helps all Americans, including Puerto Rico’s 3.5 U.S. citizens, achieve the full and equal promise of achieving our dreams as Americans.”

Jose Carrion, Republican fundraiser​: “Marco has all the leadership qualities we need in a president, and is a man who will never forget that he leads a nation that also includes Puerto Rico’s 3.5 million American citizens. I’m proud to endorse Marco for President, and it’s critical that we stand with him as the only leader who can not only unite our party and our nation but also get things done.”



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