On March 18, 2014, then-President Barack Obama awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously to four Puerto Rican soldiers:

  • Félix Conde Falcón
  • Juan Negrón
  • Demensio Rivera
  • Miguel Vera

The prior recipients:

  • Fernando Luis García
  • Carlos James Lozada
  • Eurípides Rubio
  • Héctor Santiago-Colón
  • Humbert Roque Versace

These men served in the Korean War or the Vietnam War.

The infographic below shows the other medals received by members of the Borinqueneers. Juan Negron was a member of this regiment. The other Medal of Honor recipients were not in the Borinqueneers.

Medal of Honor

The Medal of Honor is given “for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty, in actual combat against an armed enemy force.”

Many Puerto Ricans, both Island-born and those of Puerto Rican descent, have been decorated for their service. Puerto Rico sends a larger proportion of men and women into military service than any state. Puerto Ricans have been patriotic U.S. citizens since 1917, when U.S. citizenship was given to everyone born in Puerto Rico.

This makes it especially shocking that residents of Puerto Rico cannot vote in presidential elections, have no senators, and no voting members in Congress.


It is time for Puerto Rico to become a state. Let your representatives know that you support statehood for PuertoRico.



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