Members of the Puerto Rico Statehood Commission, a bipartisan group of leaders who will be the first slate of federal legislators for the state of Puerto Rico, met with members of the NAACP in Washington earlier this month.

Charles Rodríguez (D) and Alfonso Aguilar (R) visited with members of the NAACP in their office in Washington, D.C. Aguilar and Rodriguez thanked members of the NAACP for their support for statehood for Puerto Rico.

Charles Rodriguez is the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee for Puerto Rico and former President of the Senate of Puerto Rico. Alfonso Aguilar, a former director of the Office of Homeland Security’s Office of Citizenship, is executive director of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles.

The NAACP, one of the oldest civil rights organizations in the U.S., passed a resolution in favor of statehood for Puerto Rico. The resolution referenced the most recent plebiscite in 2017, in which voters overwhelmingly chose statehood, and recent independent opinion polls showing that the majority of Puerto Rico’s residents support statehood. The NAACP, the resolution said, “joins the majority of Puerto Ricans and its government in supporting U.S. statehood for the island.”

“Be it finally resolved,” the resolution concludes, “that the NAACP calls on the United States Congress to grant U.S. statehood to Puerto Rico, with all the democratic rights and responsibilities which go along with that status to its population.”

The NAACP was founded in 1909. The first plank of their mission statement is “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of all citizens.” Statehood will provide equality for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico.



One response

  1. Hola! Federal Judge Torruella (an accomplished/experienced Jurist-Harvard University)–sits on the US Court of Appeals-First Circuit (was Chief Judge)- is again ON TARGET in his brilliant presentation below my comments. He adds more facts that support my research, various presentations, and comments on:
    “Federal discrimination against fellow US Citizens (American Veterans)!”
    Fellow US Citizens (including American Veterans) in the US Territory of Puerto Rico, have, for about 120 years (since 1898)–been treated unequally by our Federal Government (US President, US Congress, and US Supreme Court) with no change in sight! This Federal discrimination against fellow US Citizens (American Veterans) must stop! We must guard against the tyranny of a majority!

    FACTS ARE–MILLIONS of Puerto Ricans are loyal and brave US Citizens that have a 2d Class US Citizenship because–they can’t vote for their US President; don’t have just representation in their US Congress (that determines their destiny) don’t have PARITY-Equal Treatment under just laws…; don’t have full earned benefits; nor a permanent statutory US Citizenship (no matter where they reside)…; are a Captive Market of US Corporations…; are unfairly penalize in many Federal Laws to include the 1920 Jones Act that is an anchor to Puerto Rico’s economy-Consumers…etc.

    Besides, Puerto Ricans don’t have “Federal consent of the governed”–per our Declaration of Independence; nor are treated equally under our “We the People” US Constitution– where “WE THE PEOPLE” is made up be the INDIVIDUAL US CITIZEN with fully protected Individual Civil Rights…!

    Moreover, the US Supreme Court in the Insular Cases (1901-1925+ when RACISM was in vogue) decided that the US Congress can differentiate (discriminate) in applying the US Constitution to the US Territory of Puerto Rico…among other things!

    At times the Federal Government has done some good. But the Federal Government’s undemocratic and politically oppressive actions, along with bad decision of former PR Governments–have a crucial negative impact on tackling and resolving Puerto Rico’s “Economic, Fiscal-Debt, Humanitarian, and Status Crisis”! (The undemocratic Territorial Status must be resolved now because it affects everything PR does to include the economic stagnation–Progress!)

    Enough of ageless excuses, generalizations, speculations, political distortion-Lies…that discriminate against Puerto Ricans-US Citizens! Like Dr. ML King said–THE TIME IS NOW!

    Our Federal Government must provide–

    US Puerto Ricans have made many great contributions to our noble USA and the World! It includes–Hispanic-Puerto Rican Ancestors, who sailed from Puerto Rico to find Florida…; opened the doors to the advance civilization (of the times); brought Christianity and other good things…; help start develop our now USA-107 years before the Pilgrims!

    Puerto Ricans have loyally and bravely sacrificed (WW-I, WW-II, Korea, Vietnam until today’s World War on Islamic Terrorism…); shed sweat, blood and tears for our gran US Flag; fought for you-Liberty; are integrated into the US way of life…; contributed for the good of ALL-Family, Community, USA, and Humanity!

    American Patriots of True Grit–Join a fight for a just cause– American EQUALITY! CONTACT/Get our Federal Government/ Congress to do right-EQUAL US CITIZENSHIP for all-including Puerto Ricans (American Veterans)!

    “Canto claro como un Gallo Boricua de Manati-Monte Bello!” With TRUTH, REASON, COURAGE, and CIVIC ACTION–WE will OVERCOME!
    Dennis O. Freytes (US Army, Retired; Florida Veterans Hall of Fame Medal–
    by Florida Governor, House, and Senate; 1st Hispanic-Boricua; Community Servant Leader)

    PS: THANKS! Please, let the naked truth enlighten you; please read FACTS below!

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