On May 4th, with a total of 95 deaths on the Island, Puerto Rico reopened financial services and similar one-on-one client services.

Non-coronavirus medical services were allowed to resume, and laundromats and some other public services reopened. Gardening, air conditioning repair, and taxis were among the services allowed. Researchers at the University were allowed to return to work, and hardware stores and mechanics were allowed to stay open five days a week.

May 11 saw the reopening of construction and manufacturing, as long as safety protocols were in place to protect workers from coronavirus infection. Hundreds of businesses got their self-certifications in on time and were able to reopen.

Beginning today, May 18, and continuing gradually through the 25th, Puerto Rico will allow most businesses to reopen and end the curfews which have been keeping residents in their homes most of the time since March.

A long list of industries have been allowed to reopen. Hospitality will be the last, but Puerto Rico’s tourism industry is getting ready. They are positioning Puerto Rico as the safest tropical paradise to visits once travel gets going.

Federal support

At the same time, 19,691 loans –that’s $ 987.67 million — have been approved in Puerto Rico as Payroll Protection Loans (PPP).

Several different bills are being considered in Congress as ways to increase manufacturing in Puerto Rico.

Luis Fortuno, in a recent interview with Adam Greenfader, listed three reasons Puerto Rico should be able to succeed in providing a perfect location for manufacturers:

  1. Puerto Rico has a number of mission ready manufacturing plants.
  2. The manufacturing work force on the island has decades of experience.
  3. The universities (RUM in particular) develop top recruits for international firms in engineering, life science and technology.

With care, Puerto Rico should be positioned to continue recovering once the pandemic is under control.



One response

  1. I read this article and watch the video a few times to make sure I was respectful and responsible in my reply. It is evidently clear that:
    1- In the name of “economic recovery / growth for PR” – the status quo (UNicorporated Commonwealth Territory) has been promoted (for 120+ years ) and will (Sadly) Likely continue in perpetuity. This Status Quo -continues to be directly and indirectly promoted by Pro-Statehood and non- Statehood supporters alike. Not much has changed since R. Tugwell wrote – “The Stricken Land” in the 1930’s. Different players now, more money involved-but all the same- financial benefit of the Elite who do not want to pay federal taxes at the expense of local residents with no chance whatsoever of the American dream.
    2- The Pro- Statehood movement in PR is polarized, with multiple players who differ in their beliefs and approaches. Except for a small genuine Pro- statehood group, the main steam engine is financially driven and pursued by interest groups (congress lobbyist) who want to very much keep PR as a domestic – Foreign entity for tax purposes.
    3- If one reads and listens “between the lines” – this article and video appears to promote the “best of both worlds” and the Status quo for PR in the name of economic Recovery and growth for PR. Was Publishing this Blog, an oversight of The PR 51 movement, or a calculated approach To have it “both ways” – promote statehood while quietly wishing A continuation of the Status Quo? –

    For genuine Proud Americans, pro-equality , pro – statehood supporters, there is only one way forward:
    To stop the old ways of thinking and do business in PR.
    To give PR the opportunity to shine under an even playing field with the other 50 States.
    To unite and unequivocally ask congress to incorporate PR during this congressional section.
    To give Local PR residents the equal rights they deserve, the dignity of a First class Citizenship and the opportunity to pursue a prosperous life.

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