The seven members of the Puerto Rico Statehood Commission, along with Governor Ricardo Rossello and Resident Commisssioner Jenniffer Gonzalez, formally requested admission of Puerto Rico as the 51st state.

The bipartisan commission ran down the reasons that Puerto Rico wants and needs statehood.

“There are only two permanent options: we can become a state or we can become independent,” said Former Senate President Charlie Rodríguez Colón, one of the commissioners. “The people of Puerto Rico do not want independence.”

“We are proud Puerto Ricans,” he continued, “and we are also proud U.S. citizens.”

Rodríguez Colón mentioned that he has heard people say that Puerto Rico should recover from the hurricane before moving on toward statehood. “Deal with that first,” he quoted such people as saying. “People who say that are wrong. Dead wrong. The only way that we are going to recover fully is if we put Puerto Rico on the path to statehood.”

The response to the hurricanes, Governor Rossello said, showed Americans in general that Puerto Rico is not treated equally by the federal government. It also helped Americans in general to understand that Puerto Rico belongs to the United States and that the residents of Puerto Rico are citizens. This awareness, the governor suggested, is one of the reasons that it is now time for Puerto Rico to become the 51st state.

The people of the United States do not have to ratify Puerto Rico’s admission as a state. Congress can make Puerto Rico a state by a simple majority vote.

But Congress will not take action unless their constituents demand it. Governor Rossello asked “brethren” all across the nation to support Puerto Rico equality through statehood.

“This is the civil rights issue of the time,” he said. “It is a great day for Puerto Rico. It is a great day for the United States. It is a great day for Civil Rights.”

Ask your representatives if they support Puerto Rico in the Tennessee Plan. If they do, please support them. If not, consider following through on Governor Rossello’s promise not to support those who “turn their backs on Puerto Rico.”



91 Responses

  1. We want congress to know that we are citicen of the United State, and we want statehood for Puerto Rico. Thank You.

  2. If I agree that Puerto Rico be granted statehood as soon as possible since we are part of the American nation over one hundred years ago.

  3. I really support Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 to become a state it will really help us in many ways and we are proud US citizens already I was born in Bristol PA

  4. IT time for Puerto Rico to be state . We already citizens. We need to be the 51 state of USA. People need to understand that we are living different time. Enough is enough we need to be trat the same as people that live in USA . We go the war we fight we them . Er

  5. I am a 69 year old puertorrican man who served our country (USA) in the National Guard during the Vietnam War era. I was assigned to the Military Police division and received my specialized training in Fort Gordon, Ga. I retired from Bristol Myers Squibb, a USA pharmaceutical company, after 36 years of service as a National Hospital Sales Manager. I am married and have a daughter who is an Interventional Pain Management Physician who attended college in Rochester University, NY and trained in UPR and Temple Schools of Medicine, practiced in Delaware, Freehold , NJ and actually practices in the state of Fla. Me and my wife are Medicare beneficiaries . As a child I lived in the state of Ohio. As me there are a lot of american citizens that in some way or another are attached to this great nation. These are some of the many reasons me and my family would like and request statehood.

  6. The US takes from Puerto Rico. It is time to give back. It was an atrocity how the US was handled after the hurricane. I’m sure as a state it would have done differently.

  7. First from a natural disaster Puerto Rico barely gets the help any human being needs. Now the US wants to make Puerto Rico part of the USA. Clearly sounds with conditions and manipulating Puerto Rico while they are at mercy. I say No way USA.

  8. Felicito a todos los integrantes de la comisión de igualdad ” plan Tennesse” ,y que sigan adelante y reunirse con la mayor cantidad posible de congresistas y senadores y paralelamente organizar la comunidad de puertorriqueños en los distintos estados y ciudades claves , para que participen del proceso de elecciones nacionales para elegir personas al congreso y al senado que se comprometan con impulsar legislación para colaborar para la admisión de PR, cómo estado #51

  9. We need statehood, now, we are American citizen, and United we serve, the country, and it is time that Puerto Rico, becomes the state51


  11. I don’t think it’s a good idea to make it a State at this point they have too much debt and is just too much corruption, and with their current mentality of gimme gimme I deserve it for doing nothing liberal mentality it wouldn’t be wise

  12. During war more troops from Puerto Rico have been deployed than any other state to defend the United States. We honor this great nation and deserve to be treated equal. I support Puerto Rico State 51

  13. Puerto Ricos’ American citizens need
    equal rights and treatment as the CONUS American citizens. We need to be made the 51st State of the Union. Stop the benign neglect of PR and live up to an honorable decision to make us a state. I served with honor, my brother served with honor, my son is serving with honor and many more family and friends have sworn loyalty to the nation that has neglected us. It’s time we be given equality. We were born in NY and love our nation as well as our island. Make us whole by recognizing who we’ are – an integral part of the USA.

  14. Yes, because we ARE American citizens, ever if Puerto Rico is a territory. We are not treated equal. A citizen from New York, relocates to Puerto Rico and they will become a second class American citizen. Stop lying, because, Puertorriqueño in military service are not from a foreigner, and have died with honor. Yes, 💯 % in favor!

  15. It is time to be the state 51 people like it. The ELA has already done its work but this obsolete time of a positive change for Puerto Rico

  16. Que viva Puerto Rico,
    Having pride is coming up to understand reality when help is being needed… And the only way we could get backup again is by Puerto Rico becoming the 51st state is a start of progress For our future family and friends.

  17. No more colony, we want equality as enjoyed by the 50 states. We are workers and we pay tax in Puerto Rico and we can pay federal taxes like all American citizens. More than a hundred years ago, the United States knows about our existence. My father was in the Korean War and with great pride. Now it is time for us to receive what we deserve, STATE 51.

  18. We dont want colony any more .. Desire eqwality like others states , we pay taxes and my son was in Iraq war serving for 6 years was a sergeant and few years ago return to Texas where he live with his family .. ,We are american citizen for more than 100 years it is the the time that we are recognized that we are Americans and that this second-class thing does not exist alone in ignorant minds.. We love our nation and many of our men and young people have given their lives for it, I had my son in Iraq for 6 years and recently returned. I have my brother who also served the nation.. Enough of Cologne we want to be the treatment we deserve as American citizens.

  19. Statehood makes sense for us now. How can we make it happen under a Republican Government in all branches? It’s going to be a long fight.

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