June 5, 2020


Contact: 301-798-5051


Puerto Rico Statehood Council Condemns Police Brutality

& Supports Equal Rights for African Americans


Washington, D.C. – The Executive Director of the Puerto Rico Statehood Council, George Laws Garcia, made the following statement:


“The Puerto Rico Statehood Council strongly condemns the acts of police brutality that have led to the death of George Floyd and many other African Americans whose names have not received as much attention, including Breonna Taylor. No one should have their civil and constitutional rights violated in that way.


These are not isolated incidents, instead they are examples of systemic violence and racism against African Americans that reflect deep and historic unresolved issues of inequality and injustice against our fellow citizens. As an organization that advocates for equal rights for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico we must stand in solidarity with the African-American community that is demanding equal rights and equal justice under the law.


We understand the anger and frustration of the African American community, but denounce acts of vandalism and looting by protesters that foster chaos and undermine their legitimate grievances that must be addressed in a non-violent way. We also recognize that all law enforcement efforts to maintain order in this challenging time must respect first amendment rights and freedom of the press.


The Puerto Rico statehood movement is based on our belief that America can continue to live up to our founding values and ideals including justice, citizen equality and democracy. We recognize that to achieve full and equal rights for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico through statehood, that comes with the responsibility to participate in national conversations about fundamental issues such as this one, and to take a stand.


Ultimately, if we fail to care when there is injustice against our fellow citizens, then we cannot expect for others to care when there is injustice against us.”


“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

 – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 1963




The Puerto Rico Statehood Council is a Washington, D.C. based 501(c)4 non-profit organization dedicated to advance the goal of achieving equality for the U.S. citizens of Puerto Rico through statehood. To learn more please visit our website at:



Press Statement – Puerto Rico Statehood Council Condemns Police



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