According to El Nuevo Dia, the U.S. Senate will hold a public hearing on The Puerto Rico Status Act on June 18, 2024. The Puerto Rico Status Act, S 3231, offers Puerto Rico voters a choice among three political status options: statehood, independence, or free association. The bill included a commitment from Congress to take action on the choice of the voters.

This would make the new referendum different from the six previous status plebiscites. Those votes were not binding on Congress. Puerto Rico voted for statehood in 2012, 2017, and 2020, but Congress has not taken action on any of those votes. This year’s Puerto Rico Status Act, which is under consideration in both the House and the Senate, is self-executing. As soon as the referendum is complete, the transition to the winning status will begin.


The Puerto Rico Status Act we mean is S3231, which is the companion bill to HR2757.  It has 26 cosponsors, including five of the 15  members of the committee which will hold the hearing. There is another bill in the Senate which is also called The Puerto Rico Status Act, and it has been suggested that this bill will also be considered in the hearing. That bill, S2944, has no cosponsors. It offers the same three options as S3231, plus “commonwealth,” which would be defined by a “bilateral negotiating commission” made up of 5 representatives from the “commonwealth” party after the vote, along with 5 people appointed by the President, presumably from the federal government. People would have to vote without knowing what the “commonwealth” option would actually be.

In fact, under S2944, none of the options would be self-executing in any real sense. A vote for “commonwealth” or for free association would bring in a bilateral negotiating commission to define the relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States, so voters would have no idea what they were voting for when the vote was taken. A vote for statehood would kick off a study to determine whether Puerto Rico is ready to be a state or not. A vote for independence triggers a constitutional convention to draft a new Puerto Rico Constitution subject to a number of requirements from the United States, followed by a year-long review of federal laws relating to Puerto Rico before any further action could be taken. It is hard to see S2944 as a serious proposal; it could simply be a straw man designed to prevent Congress from resolving Puerto Rico’s status.

S3231, however, is a compromise bill developed by leaders on all sides of The Puerto Rico status question. We have serious concerns about some of the details of the bill and hope that the hearing will lead to some sensible amendments, but The Puerto Rico Status Act is at this point the best hope of a permanent non-territorial status for the Island.

The hearing

The Senate hearing is the next important step toward the end of the current colonial relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico. If you live in a state, you have two senators representing you in Washington. If you live in Puerto Rico, you have no senators.  This makes it very important for people living in the states to reach out to their senators, asking them to attend the hearing to get up to speed on The Puerto Rico Status Act before it comes to a vote.



2 Responses

  1. TAKE CIVIC ACTION to ensure Equal US Citizenship-Rights for all WE THE PEOPLE; END the Federal undemocratic control of the US Territory of Puerto Rico– SEND YOUR Comments/Testimony to the US Senate Committee: EXAMPLE/DRAFT–
    TO: Honorable Chair/ Members US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee;
    Sub-Committee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining
    CC: US President; US Congress; PR Governor; PR Resident Commissioner; American Patriots
    RE: DENNIS O. FREYTES-Comments for Hearing (18 JUNE 2024) on S-3231 (PR Status Act).
    On behalf of my Father-Borinqueneer-Celio Freytes-Menendez (CIB-Combat Infantryman Badge w/Star-WW-II &Korea/ Bronze Star for Valor; US 65th Infantry Regiment Congressional Gold Medal);
    Mother-Gloria Gonzalez-Marrero (Teacher, and Social Worker…); and other loyal, brave & patriotic
    US Citizens-US Veterans that face US Federal subjugation, since 1898—also, as a Floridian, Boricua, and statutory US Citizen (born Manati-Puerto Rico, USA)–I say: stand up for our Democracy!

    “WE the PEOPLE come first!”
    SUMMARY: American Patriots respectfully Petition our US Congress to “right a wrong” against fellow US Citizens-American Veterans in the US Territory of Puerto Rico that don’t have Federal “consent of the governed”; suffer a biased Federal undemocratic Territorial status; have NO Vote for US President; NO just Representation in US Congress; NO Parity in Federal Laws, Programs, or Funding (like for Veterans, Social Security, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, Infrastructure, Education, SSI, and other programs) that other US Citizens fully get; NO permanent statutory US Citizenship (even if moving to a State).

    Plus, the Federal Government unfairly controls PR’s Borders, Currency, Laws, Security, Economy, Trade, etc.—under the old Territorial Clause (of 1787); unjust racist Insular Cases (of 1901-1925+); other biased Laws—where the US Constitution is not fully applied to US Citizens-US Veterans in Puerto Rico!

    “The Federal Government should be the Servant of ALL the People; NOT the Master of some!”
    THUS, we dutifully request you fix PR’s undemocratic Federal Status, per our core democratic values & principles that are nobly embodied in our “Declaration of Independence” and evolving “US Constitution” (with 27 Amendments)–that call for “Consent of the Governed”, Fairness, Equal Rights, Freedom, and a Republican form of Government (a Representative Democracy) for all “WE THE PEOPLE”.

    “You can’t have both ways-either support Equality or discrimination!”
    FIX: Co-Sponsor; enact S-3231/ HR-2757 (Puerto Rico Status Act) with amendments (to include *Status definitions), per researched facts (not political distortion), and sources mentioned below. (See Enclosures)
    *STATEHOOD-MEANS: Admission to our diverse “UNION of STATES”– under US Constitution/ Laws/ Democracy; EQUAL US Citizenship with full Rights, Benefits, and Responsibilities; with PR-STATE Identity, Constitution, Flag, Sovereignty… as other States & other US Citizens have…
    *INDEPENDENCE- MEANS: Puerto Rico National Sovereignty; PR Constitution/Laws, PR Citizenship…; with loss of US Constitution & statutory US Citizenship, Rights, and Benefits…
    *INDEPENDENCE with Free Association PACT-MEANS: Puerto Rico National Sovereignty; PR Constitution/ Laws, PR Citizenship…; with loss of US Constitution & statutory US Citizenship, Rights, and Benefits… But, with a negotiated PACT between Independent Nations on Terms (like trade, defense, etc.) that can be terminated by either side. (Free Association is a PACT; NOT recognized as a Status in US Constitution.)

    Let our Democracy and REASON prevail for the Good of All “WE THE PEOPLE”-Family, Community, USA, and Humanity! THANKS for all the good things you do for our beloved USA!

    For the Good of All; Respectfully,
    DENNIS O. FREYTES (MPA, MHR, BBA); US Army Ret; Servant Leader
    Florida Veterans Hall of Fame (by FL Gov./US Sen. Rick Scott; FL House & FL Senate.)

    EQUAL US Citizenship for ALL; END PR’s Federal UNDEMOCRATIC Status! (Summary)
    Since 1898 (for over 125+ years), the Federal Government has kept the US Territory of Puerto Rico (PR)-(with more US Citizens than 21 States) under undemocratic control (with NO Federal “consent of the governed”) as we demand Equal Rights-Fairness for all “WE THE PEOPLE”; revocation of unjust Laws; a NON-Territorial Status!

    Focus on FACTS–Today, millions of 2d class US Citizens-US Veterans (part of “We the People”) in PR have—NO Vote for US President; NO just Representation in US Congress; NO Parity in Federal Laws, Programs, or Funding (like for Veterans, Social Security, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, Infrastructure, Education, SSI, and other programs) that other US Citizens fully get; NO permanent statutory US Citizenship (even if moving to a State)…!

    Plus, the Federal Government unfairly controls PR’s Borders, Currency, Laws, Security, Economy, Trade, etc.—under the old Territorial Clause (of 1787); unjust racist Insular Cases (of 1901-1925+); other biased Laws—where, incongruently, the US Constitution is not fully applied to US Citizens-US Veterans in Puerto Rico!

    Besides, Puerto Ricans face a magna CRISIS; Exodus to the States–which major ROOT components are: Jobs, Economy, Security, Infrastructure, and unfair Territorial Status—where each PART affects the other. The Federal undemocratic Territorial status affects everything; brings instability…; ties PR’s Hands to fairly compete-grow the Economy; limits progress; goes against our US Democratic core values & principles; is Un-American!

    “The Federal Government should be the Servant of ALL the People; NOT the Master of some!”
    This is a Patriotic just cause! The People with Equal US Citizenship/ Rights come first, not a “separate & unequal” biased Status! In our US Republic, the power should reside with all “We the People” (made up by Individuals)–per our Declaration of Independence that calls for “Consent of the Governed”; noble US Constitution that calls for Equal Rights-Fairness, and a Republican form of Government or a Representative Democracy!

    “NO Federal VOTE or just Representation; results in NO Democracy or a Tyranny of a Majority!”
    Our Federal Government can end this unjust inequity now, but, has not done so! It, incongruently doesn’t act to end PR’s Federal undemocratic Territorial Status; or amend/ revoke unjust-unequal Laws that limit Progress. Instead, some generalize; politically distort; provide biased/racist EXCUSES that blame the Victim; create double standards not applied to Other Citizens-resulting in confusion & stalemate that perpetuates Federal subjugation!
    Puerto Ricans Sacrifice & Contribute to our USA since 1513!

    Hispanic US Puerto Ricans (PR) are about 10m strong (most live in the States) as they are integrated; greatly sacrifice, and loyally contribute (in all fields of endeavor) to our diverse USA; have patriotically shed sweat, blood, and tears for our US Flag (WWI; WW-II; Korea; Vietnam; Global War on Terrorism). Also, PR has a better GDP than 14 States; pays more Federal taxes than 6 States; is a US Market that creates about a million US Jobs…

    PR Ancestors (1st Governor of PR/Crew) came from PR to Florida (in 1513)-107 years before the Pilgrims; others fought in the US War of Independence (1776); brought Christianity and other good things to our now USA.
    “Silence to discrimination; supports injustice!”
    US Citizens in PR have voted to END the Territorial-Colonial Status, per local Plebiscites (2012, 2017 & 2020) where Statehood won; Independence got only 2-5% of the Vote… Puerto Ricans have proven loyalty to our US; cherish their US Citizenship! Yet, Congress doesn’t do Right for Equal Citizenship!

    FIX: Take Civic ACTION-get our Federal Government to: ensure Equal US Citizenship-Rights; END Federal undemocratic control of PR; do a PR Plebiscite on viable Non-Territorial Options which only are:
    STATEHOOD vs INDEPENDENCE (Without or With a Free Association Pact)
    Our US (a diverse Union of Sovereign States) is the best in the World—where each State complements each other; is stronger than by itself …! UNITED, under US Constitution/Flag, brings more Progress–for the Good of All!

    “En la UNIÓN está la Fuerza!”
    Only Statehood guarantees a permanent statutory US Citizenship (even if residing in a State)! Thus, all statutory US Citizens have a Stake in the Fight as our US Congress must also, protect them in any Plebiscite!

    “Equality for a more perfect UNION!”
    Hispanic-Puerto Ricans are being treated unjustly by their Federal Government-Legislative, Executive & Judicial-that, at times, misinterpret our US Constitution that today, WE OWN! Plus, some Politicians say: “All People are Equal” but, mean: “Some People (in power) are more Equal than Others”! In our US Republic– the power should reside with “a Government of the People, by the People, and for the People” (President Lincoln)!
    “Patriots call for EQUALITY; FAIRNESS; JUSTICE!”

    “You can’t have both ways (either support Equality or discrimination!” THE TIME IS NOW for Civic ACTION: demand our Federal Government ensures Equal US Citizenship-Civil Rights; a Representative Democracy for all:
    1. Short Term-Let the People VOTE-Do a PR Plebiscite on properly defined/viable Non-Territorial Options:
    *STATEHOOD-MEANS: Admission to our diverse “UNION of STATES”– under US Constitution/ Laws/ Democracy; EQUAL US Citizenship with full Rights, Benefits, and Responsibilities; with PR-STATE Identity, Constitution, Flag, Sovereignty… as other States & other US Citizens have…
    *INDEPENDENCE- MEANS: Puerto Rico National Sovereignty; PR Constitution/Laws, PR Citizenship…; with loss of US Constitution & statutory US Citizenship, Rights, and Benefits…
    *INDEPENDENCE with Free Association PACT-MEANS: Puerto Rico National Sovereignty; PR Constitution/ Laws, PR Citizenship…; with loss of US Constitution & statutory US Citizenship, Rights, and Benefits… But, with a negotiated PACT between Independent Nations on Terms (like trade, defense, etc.) that can be terminated by either side.
    2. Revoke un-just Laws (like the racist “Insular Cases”, 1920 Jones Act…); Incorporate Puerto Rico.
    3. Amend US Constitution (USC); adopt: “US Citizens’ Equal Rights-Protection Clause” that treats all US Citizens equally-no matter the residency, under our noble US Flag! (Enclosed Draft)
    4. Revoke or Amend the “Territorial Clause” with a “Status” limit; more rights, etc. (Enclosed Draft)

    UNITED-with Truth, Reason, and Civic Action for the Good of All-Family, USA, and Humanity!

    TO: Honorable Chair/ Members US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee;
    Sub-Committee on Public Lands, Forests, and Mining
    RE: DENNIS O. FREYTES-Comments for Hearing (18 JUNE 2024) on S-3231 (PR Status Act).
    “WE the PEOPLE come first!”
    SUMMARY: American Patriots respectfully Petition our US Congress to “right a wrong” against millions of US Citizens-American Veterans in the US Territory of Puerto Rico that don’t have Federal “consent of the governed”; suffer a biased Federal undemocratic Territorial status–have NO Vote for US President; NO just Representation in US Congress; NO Parity in Federal Laws, Programs, or Funding (Veterans, Social Security, MEDICARE, MEDICAID, Infrastructure, Education, SSI, and other programs that other US Citizens fully get); NO permanent statutory US Citizenship (even if moving to a State).

    “NO Vote or just Representation or Equal treatment–NO Democracy!”
    Plus, the Federal Government unfairly controls PR’s Borders, Currency, Laws, Security, Economy, Trade, etc.—under the old Territorial Clause (of 1787); unjust racist Insular Cases (of 1901-1925+); other biased Laws—where the US Constitution is not fully applied to US Citizens-US Veterans in Puerto Rico!

    “The Federal Government should be the Servant of ALL the People; NOT the Master of some!”
    THUS, we dutifully request you fix PR’s undemocratic Federal Status, per our core democratic values & principles that are nobly embodied in our “Declaration of Independence” and evolving “US Constitution” (with 27 Amendments)–that call for “Consent of the Governed”, Fairness, Equal Rights, Freedom, and a Republican form of Government (a Representative Democracy) for all “WE THE PEOPLE”.
    “You can’t blame the victim or have it both ways-either support Equality or discrimination!”

    FIX a wrong: Co-Sponsor; enact S-3231/ HR-2757 (Puerto Rico Status Act) with amendments (to include *Status definitions), per researched facts (not political distortion), and sources per Enclosures.
    *STATEHOOD-MEANS: Admission to our diverse “UNION of STATES”– under US Constitution/ Laws/ Democracy; EQUAL US Citizenship with full Rights, Benefits, and Responsibilities; with PR-STATE Identity, Constitution, Flag, Sovereignty… as other States & other US Citizens have…
    *INDEPENDENCE- MEANS: Puerto Rico National Sovereignty; PR Constitution/Laws, PR Citizenship…; with loss of US Constitution & statutory US Citizenship, Rights, and Benefits…
    *INDEPENDENCE with Free Association PACT-MEANS: Puerto Rico National Sovereignty; PR Constitution/ Laws, PR Citizenship…; with loss of US Constitution & statutory US Citizenship, Rights, and Benefits… But, with a negotiated PACT between Independent Nations on Terms (like trade, defense, etc.) that can be terminated by either side. (Free Association is a PACT; NOT recognized as a Status in US Constitution.)

    Patriots say: Do Right for millions of loyal, brave & patriotic US Citizens-US Veterans in PR that face US Federal subjugation, includes–my Father-Borinqueneer-Celio Freytes-Menendez who fought in WW-II/ Korea (got Combat Infantryman Badge w/Star/ Bronze Star for Valor/ US 65th Infantry Regiment Congressional Gold Medal); Mother-Gloria Gonzalez-Marrero (Teacher, and Social Worker).

    Let Fairness-Equal Rights in our Democracy prevail for all “WE THE PEOPLE” as we UNITE with Truth & Reason-for the Good of ALL–Family, Community, USA, and Humanity! THANKS!

    DENNIS O. FREYTES (MPA, MHR, BBA); US Army Ret; Servant Leader
    Florida Veterans Hall of Fame (by FL Gov./US Sen. Rick Scott; FL House & FL Senate.)
    Manager; Executive; Advisor (Business, Non-Profit, & Govt.)
    *Advisory/Policy Boards-US President; Congress; Governors; Mayors
    *FL Governor & US President’s Policy/Advisory Transition Teams
    *Former-Trustee Valencia College; FL Senate confirmed twice
    *Commander Infantry, Special Forces; Airborne School; Readiness Group
    *Commander PACCE-Global Humanitarian Missions (Medical/Engineers/Other)
    *Professor Military Science/Commander USA Officer School (ROTC Cadet Brigade)
    ADDRESS: Windermere, Orange County, Florida, 34786
    CC: US President; US Congress; PR Governor; PR Resident Commissioner; American Patriots

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