The idea of the “enhanced commonwealth” is not a valid option for Puerto Rico’s status. The U.S. government has said so repeatedly. However, Puerto Rico could choose independence.

Would independence be a good choice for Puerto Rico? Here are some facts to consider:

  • The people of Puerto Rico would no longer be citizens of the United States. The Philippines, which used to be called “the Commonwealth of the Philippines,” chose independence rather than statehood. People born in the Philippines are not citizens of the United States. They cannot travel to the U.S. without a passport. A recent court case confirmed that people born in U.S. territories cannot automatically have U.S. citizenship, and people born in other nations certainly do not have U.S. citizenship.
  • Puerto Rico would be responsible for its own military defense. The United States would not be responsible for defending Puerto Rico. The U.S. would also not be responsible for civil defense, police, or any other aspect of defense.
  • The U.S. would not be obligated to provide any financial support. The U.S. could provide support in the form of foreign aid, but Puerto Rico would be a separate country, and the United States would not supply Social Security, school funding, or any of the other kinds of support the federal government provides for states. Puerto Rico is currently heavily in debt, with a dwindling population and far fewer jobs than they had eight years ago. Is this a good time to try to go it alone?

If the people of Puerto Rico actually wanted independence, they might be willing to undergo the hardships it would bring. However, only 5% of voters chose independence in the 2012 referendum. 61% chose statehood. There is no reason to think that Puerto Rico wants or would be willing to accept independence.

This post was originally written in English and may be being auto-translated by Google.



6 Responses

    • Puerto Rico is better off becoming a state. First will have more rights financially and will be overseen my the us government.

  1. We want to protect our citizenship. If we become independent, it will have disastrous consequences. On the surrounding islands, they have to sell citizenship to Europeans to invest in resorts and other businesses (at least $220,000 to be exact in Dominica). That is the only way they can survive because Tourism is their main profit. The islands are more difficult to maintain than the States and European countries. The other islands also have massive China/Russia and drug cartel from Latin American influence. Independence will place so many Puerto Ricans at risk. The healthcare on the other islands are not as advanced as PR. Also, it will allow for the Universities and Graduate programs in Puerto Rico to loose US accreditation and Financial aid, and also social security payments will no longer occur. Therefore, that will lead to the government needing to accept majority of foreign students for their schools in order to maintain financial income. Independence is not possible. We can restructure the Jones Act and improve ourselves.

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