Puerto Ricans living in the states have become an important group of voters, and that is no less true now, as we prepare for midterm elections across the nation.

Pie Research has published a report on Hispanic voters in the United States, and it includes some data on voters from the Puerto Rican community.

Puerto Rican voters in the states are tending toward Democrats

While Puerto Rico will probably be a purple state, Pew Research found a slight majority of Puerto Rican votes say they will be more likely to vote for Democratic candidates. 52% say they will vote for the Dems, and that is of course a clear majority in a U.S. election. Only 22% say they favor Republicans.

However, 58% of Mexican-American voters favor Democrats. Among all Latinos voters surveyed, only Cubans favored Republicans, with 55% of Cuban registered voters planning to vote GOP.

Asked about the job President Biden is doing in particular, though, 52% of Mexican voters and 51% of Puerto Rican voters said they disapproved.

On Trump

Among all Hispanic voters, 73% do not want former President Trump to remain in the public eye and only 17% want him to run for president again in 2024.

Puerto rican voters in particular are more negative. Only 21% want Trump to continue to be a national political figure and only 13% want him to run for president again.


In a different survey from the same source, 81% of Puerto Ricans surveyed said that they are dissatisfied with “how things are going” in the United States.

A bloc?

The Washington Post reported on a similar poll. Their results were similar to those reported by Pew Research, though they saw stronger support for Republicans among Puerto Rican voters (53% of their respondents still said they planned to vote Democratic). They also noted that, even though they described Hispanic voters as “the fastest-growing U.S. voting bloc,” Latino voters are not actually a homogenous group of voters.

“The political leanings of Latino voters are shaped by what country they hail from, generational differences, gender, religion and number of years spent in the United States,” they explain, echoing the patterns seen by Pew Research.

Puerto Rican voters may not be a solid voting bloc, but politicians are beginning to pay attention. Take advantage of the opportunity to let them know that you want to vote for the candidates who will support a permanent political status for Puerto Rico.



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