Spanish and Go shared 19 things they thought you might not know about Puerto Rico. They start with the fact that all people born in Puerto Rico are U.S. citizens, ever since 1917. Before Hurricane Maria in 2017, surveys showed that more than half of Americans didn’t know this.

When Puerto Rico becomes a state, it will be the 29th largest state in the Union. Spanish and Go points out that the population numbers are changing, but so far Puerto Rico is a medium-sized state as far as population goes.

“Puerto Ricans have fought in every U.S. war since becoming a territory” the video tells us… but Puerto Ricans can’t vote in presidential elections.

Here’s our list of things you might not know about Puerto Rico:

  • Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the U.S., which means it can continue as a territory indefinitely. It can also become a state with a simple majority vote in Congress.
  • The only person representing Puerto Rico in the U.S. Congress is the Resident Commissioner, who has only a symbolic vote.
  • As a state, Puerto Rico will have two senators and up to five Members of Congress.
  • Puerto Rico will be a purple state — voters are more conservative than the average person in the states, and they elect both Democratic and Republican leaders.
  • Puerto Rico has voted for statehood twice, in 2012 and 2017.
  • The territory’s government made an official request for statehood in 2018.
  • Both Spanish and English are official languages in Puerto Rico.
  • 32 U.S. territories have already become states. Puerto Rico will be next.

How about it? Did you learn anything new today?

Here’s another useful piece of knowledge: the more educated people are about Puerto Rico, the more likely they are to support statehood for Puerto Rico. Share what you know.



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