Puerto Rico is facing challenging times. Puerto Rico is burdened by enormous public debt, continues to struggle with unemployment and limited medical care, and has a dwindling population. While the current government is trying to solve the financial problems related to the debt, they probably will not be able to succeed without help from the federal government.

Fortunately, Congress is beginning to realize that Puerto Rico cannot be ignored. There are bills being considered right now that can help Puerto Rico through the current financial challenges. These proposals may not move forward without support from the people.

The residents of Puerto Rico have no one who can vote for them in Congress. If you live in a State, you have a congressperson who can vote for you.

This is the time to hold your congressperson’s feet to the fire.  Contact your legislators now.

We have drafted a letter for you. When you click the link above, you will find this letter, which you can send, or you can change the words to express what it is in your heart on this subject:

I am writing to urge your support of legislation currently pending in the House of Representatives to help Puerto Rico.

Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917, yet residents of this U.S. territory are not full participants in our American democracy. American citizens living in Puerto Rico are not eligible to vote for President; they do not have any representation in the United States Senate; and they have only one non-voting delegate in the U.S. House of Representatives. Additionally, Puerto Rico and its residents are treated disparately under the law.

Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi has introduced three pieces of legislation to end some of the unequal treatment and to help Puerto Rico find its way out of the fiscal crisis that has plagued the territory for several years.

I encourage you to co-sponsor the following bills that have been introduced in the House of Representatives:

  • H.R. 870 – Puerto Rico Chapter 9 Uniformity Act, which amends the federal bankruptcy code to treat Puerto Rico as a state under Chapter 9.
  • H.R. 3552 – Child Tax Credit Equity for Puerto Rico Act, which amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow citizens of Puerto Rico to claim the refundable portion of the child tax credit on the same basis as U.S. taxpayers.
  • H.R. 3553 – Earned Income Tax Credit Equity for Puerto Act, which amends the Internal Revenue Code to make citizens of Puerto Rico eligible for the federal earned income tax credit.

Puerto Rico needs Congress to act.  American citizens living in Puerto Rico deserve equal treatment under the law. Please sign-on as a co-sponsor to these bills to help fellow American citizens gain equal treatment and to help the U.S. territory put an end to a serious economic crisis.

You’ll be asked for your zip code, and you will see your congressional representative.  You’ll add your own name and email address, and the letter will go automatically to your rep.  You will not have to find his or her address or make any further effort than that.

Please take this opportunity to contact your legislators and let them know that equal rights for Puerto Rico are important to you.



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