Official results show 97% of votes in the June 11th plebiscite favoring statehood.

The official results from the State Electoral Commission:

  • Statehood: 97%
  • Independence and Free Association: 1.5%
  • Territorial status: 1.3%

Anti-statehood parties encouraged their supporters to boycott the vote, and turnout was low. However, it was made clear before the vote that those who did not vote would be throwing away their chance to participate.

As Rep. Stephanie Murphy of Florida said in a statement shortly after the vote, “The ballot was fair and those who voted overwhelmingly chose statehood. In our democracy, only those who show up to vote get counted.”

A plebiscite is a popular vote designed to measure the sentiment within a population. By its nature, a plebiscite cannot compel any particular action on the part of the government. In this case, Congress is still in the position of the decision maker for Puerto Rico’s status.

But both party platforms and the most recent statement about Puerto Rico from the president affirm that the federal government wants to follow the wishes of the people of Puerto Rico on the Island’s status.

Governor Rossello intends to send a delegation to Washington to demand action on the part of Congress.

You should also contact your legislators and make sure that they know we expect action.



5 Responses

    • In a democracy citizens have the privilege to exercise their right to vote. There were three options for citizens to choose from during this plebiscite. As part of a democracy citizens also have the right not to vote, as voting is not a compulsory requirement. However in a democracy all citizens whether or not they voted will then abide by the results of the democratic voting process. That is how a democratic voting process works whether it is a plebiscite, a national election, a state election, or local election.

    • The participation was a 30 % of latest election voters. It was a higher than average turn out of voters for a plebiscite. After being a colony of USA FOR MORE THAN 119 YEARS WE DESERVE TO BE equal citizens as in the mainland.

  1. After 119 years of “United States administration or Colonialism or Territorial possession” by way of expansionism .. the citizens of Puerto Rico should open their eyes and get on message clear the United States Congress whether in 1917 and thereafter 2017* {one hundred years} are not going to give neither nor independence nor statehood. Is up to the citizens of the island .. all to gather together and exercise one voice .. together. The division is what causing this impasse.
    The average citizen does not speak the English language which is the prevalent one in the use of communication and business. The congress tried in the beginning by forcing the language to the citizens islanders how ever unfruitful. Their nationalism forbid them to become what their not. Rather play along but keeping their idiosyncrasy … let not forget that Puerto Rico was in the process of a free republic from Spain by 1897 running the island in a semi autonomy system.

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